Audience Composer

Audience Composer is a new type of audience targeting technology developed to address shortcomings in traditional DMPs and CDPs. Rather than simple, true/false audience classifiers and targeting guesswork, Helm uses machine learning to assemble and push audiences scored by receptivity to the GlassBox programmatic model builder.

Last Action vs. Next Action

There is an important difference between knowing what a user has done and predicting what he or she will do next. Traditional DMPs are built to report history. Audience Composer was developed to predict receptivity to products and messages based on historical behaviors and affinities.

Clients retain ownership of all data stored and processed by audience composer and can access it directly using a Presto distributed SQL query engine, enabling users to quickly assemble new audience composites from cross-channel, first-party data and push the data to programmatic RTB targeting systems.

Audience Composites Across Providers

Audience Composer identifies overlapping attributes across 160,000 audiences to develop scalable composite audiences, scored by media receptivity.

The attributes include user behaviors, traits, and interests —Including demographic information, media consumption habits, hobbies, local weather, product affinities, in-market signals, brand affinities, political views, and shopping patterns.

The future of marketing is more personal and more efficient. We work with brands that would rather participate in the future than be left behind by it.

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